Sunday, January 1, 2012

January Sanctuary: Day One

My goal is to complete a project every day in January to create an inspiring living space. I have a list of projects that range from simple to complex, free to expensive, and quick to time-consuming.

Here we go....

Day One...

1. Researched furniture upholstery places (I've been wanting to do this for two years!). Took photos of my two couches, and will call for quotes on Tuesday (when businesses reopen after the New Year).

2. Cleaned out my spice cabinet that was overcrowded, unorganized, and totally uninspiring! Researched online and found a new solution for my spices that creates color in my kitchen, helps organize everything, makes a new shelf available, and will hopefully make cooking easier. I ordered the tins and created the labels. Now, just waiting for the tins to arrive.

Helpful links:

Here is the photo that inspired me... 

Click here for my finished spice rack.

3. Cleaned out two more kitchen cabinets and created a new plan for my entire kitchen layout.

I'm excited and inspired! It feels good to be working on projects that I have "meant to do" for so long!

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