- I love it!
- I am thankful that I had learned a few poses at home first. That helped me transition to the class setting, but there were still a number of poses I had never done before.
- The instructor, Siri Högfeldt-Delaney, was very helpful. She adjusted a few of my poses, and I appreciated the guidance.
- I liked Siri's balanced approach to the yoga. Calm, encouraging instruction from pose to pose, with reminders about breathing and focus.
- I brought a mat and a small towel. Next time, I'll need a large towel to cover the whole mat. Without the towel, my hands slipped.
- There was a blend of experienced students and new ones, like me. I appreciated the experienced students, so I could learn from their poses.
- It was super challenging! Some of the poses I handled easily, but most required me to truly focus.
- I was shaking through some poses, trying to balance and build by strength.
- Some pose series had me dripping in sweat - I didn't expect that but loved it.
- I was definitely present in the moment.
- At one time, one of my favorite songs came on during one of our sustained stretching poses (pigeon something, I think), and I had tears in my eyes. Overcome with emotion, and knowing I was in the right place in my life. I expected yoga to touch on this spiritual understanding, but I didn't imagine it would come to me in my first class.
"Yoga is a technology for arriving in this present moment" - Farhi