Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July Rides Recap

The original goal: A road trip every weekend in the month of July

I had been looking forward to "July Ride" since I first set the intention back in January. I wanted to make sure that I was exploring the world by road and taking trips (now) rather than postponing (until some indeterminate time).

The Portland trip was amazing (flying rather than driving) and the World Domination Summit exceeded expectations. More on that soon...

But my other road trips were overtaken by work that overflowed into my weekends. It's an unhealthy habit to let work take over my life, but I love my job and it's so easy to let it spill over into my personal time. Mostly because my work is so meaningful that it feels personal - doing my part to protect the ocean.

I digress.

So, I flaked on my road trip plan! In week three, I could still hear the call of the open road and I knew I didn't have the time in July to fully respond. Then it hit me... why take short, quick, turn-around road trips when what I really wanted was to drive forward, into the wide open world of the unknown, and to truly explore unconstrained by time and limits!

The new goal: THE GRAND CANYON!

Isn't this one of the ultimate road trips? I was inspired and booked my time off and reserved by hotels that same day. And, travel hacking gave me most of my hotels for free! Thanks Chris Guillebeau!

The trip won't be in July, but it will be a grand road trip and one I can't wait to start! One month away! I haven't been to the Grand Canyon yet so it's the perfect adventure. I'm also staying a few nights in Sedona.

As with most of these monthly goals, I set a course, an intention. Some months, the goal is met as planned. Other months, I may veer off in another direction. But every month, I experience a life I wouldn't have lived had it not been for this plan to live with deliberate intentions. Feeling grateful.

The call of the open road...


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Northbound with a Guru Taxi Driver at the Wheel

Today is the first of four "July Rides" and the longest of any of my trips. I'm in the airport now waiting for my flight to Portland for the World Domination Summit.

What am I looking to gain by taking overnight or day trips every weekend for a month?

On the surface, it gives me the chance to see new places and finally make it to places that I never seem to make a priority. That is part of the driving force between all my monthly goals - to not let time just slip away. To set direction. To create. To ship. To live a pro-active life rather than a passive life.

On a deeper level, it is part of my lifelong search for meaning.

These goals place me in places and situations I wouldn't be otherwise, and it is in these places that I most often find meaning and wrestle with the concept of purpose and of truth - existentialism at its finest.

In the cab this moring, I found myself quiet and introspective. Slowly the taxi cab driver started to coax me into a conversation. I was relunctant at first, deep in my own thoughts and recovering from the hustle of running out the door on time. But soon enough, this guru taxi driver led us into a beautiful conversation of meaning and truth. Here are a few of his wise comments...
  • Happiness is a choice.
  • We see the mistakes our parents made, but we can change. We can turn it around and make better choices.
  • A baby sits. A baby learns to crawl, then crawls. A baby learns to walk, then walks. A baby learns to run, then runs. There is a time and a season for everything. (reminds me of Maya Angelou's "When we know better, we do better."
  • When we talk to each other, we both learn. Without talking, nothing happens.
  • We must avoid those that are negative. They will influence us and take away our happiness.
  • It is not how often you fall, but how you get up (and how you help others get up)
He imparted much to me in our brief ride to the airport. All things I've heard before, but his words were especially poignant today, as I begin this trip. As I slowly detach myself from work. As a I hopefully rediscover my bliss.

He also said we work too much. When we have a free day, we mostly "relax" at home. My thought is this and it haunts me as of late: But what kind of life is this? To work. To work. To recover for a day, then return to work.

I love my work. I can list hundreds of reasons why I love my work.

But am I walking instead of running?

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Ride

This month's challenge: to take a trip out of town every weekend. Tackle one direction (North, South, East, West) each weekend of the month to see and experience something new.