Saturday, January 7, 2012

January Sanctuary - Day Seven

Why are closets so impossible? Why is it hard to part with clothes and shoes? Some that still have the original tags on but I tell myself I might wear them someday. Others that are tied to memories, experiences, moments that I want to hold on to.

Definitely a first world problem *hangs her head in shame*. There are more important things to think about than my closet, so I'm happy to get this done and move forward. 

simplify. ruthlessly edit. keep only your favorites.

Managed to set aside 14 pairs of shoes to donate and one full bag of clothes (and this is only from one side of one of my closets). I need to read the mnmlst blog again (see link on right) and go through a second time tomorrow morning, bright and early.

"Knowledge of the world is only to be acquired in the world, and not in a closet"
- Lord Chesterfield

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